Nov 24, 2010


Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian slave ritual that has been developing in Brazil since the 1500's when African slaves were first brought to South America. Unable to train fighting and oppressed in their daily lives Africans used Capoeira as their outlet. Through Capoeira, they could tone their bodies, train their fighting skills and liberate their spirits through song and dance. Capoeira developed in the cultural melting pot that is Brazil. Africans, Portuguese, native Indians and other cultures combined to create the unique ritual of
Capoeira. Dance, Fighting, Theatre, Music.

I think capoeira incredibile beautiful. When I lived in Brazil I used to train in a gym near by where i lived(Itaboria, Niteroi). I remember that every night they trained capoeira in big groups - everyone could join the courses. Its an hypnotic performence.

Best regards,