Jan 30, 2011
Right now you can see paintings by Daniel on LaMantia Gallery located in Northport Village on Long Island, NYC.
“…..I aspire to blend old fashion artistic integrity with modern perception. My paintings depict life, not as it may be, but more as it is remembered- a snapshot, not of a particular moment, but of an overall memory. It is the beauty of the emotion felt at an exacting time that I attempt to portray. Trying to capture the romantic yet realistic view one has of everyday life is at the root of all
my work.” - Daniel Del Orfano
Tillbringar kvällen i mitt eget sällskap med plugg, jobbsök, härliga nya ELLE-magasinet, mitt nya favorit snacks(gojibär och solrosfrön), apelsinjuice och en stor blåbärsmuffins.
Spending the evening with studies, job search, lovely new ELLE magazine, my new favorite snacks (goji berries and sunflower seeds), orangejuice and a large blueberry muffin.
Jag förstår verkligen varför kläddesigners blir inspirerade av djurvärlden. Kolla in dessa helt magiska flamingos, det var otroligt att se och fota dem live.
I certainly understand why fashion designers are inspired by the animal world. Check out these totally magical flamingos, it was incredible to see and photograph them live.
From the blog: http://skirtedroundtable.blogspot.com/
Det här är mitt drömsovrum. Älskar mysighetsfaktorn och de feminina attributen(höga klackskor). Det luktar nostalgi, sekelskifts-europa och väldigt kultiverad smak.
This is my dream bedroom. Love the cozy factor and the feminine attributes (high heels), its a smell of nostalgia, turn of the century, european, and a very sophisticated taste.
Jan 29, 2011
Jag är sååå inne på John Mayer just nu - speciellt denna otroligt fina sång
Right now I listen a lot on John Mayer - 83 - sooo good!!
Var på blixtvisit på "Beatrix Potter" vernissaget, det visade sig vara familjer och barn-event - fast med bubbel i glaset :-) for med blicken över galleriet och försvann lika snabbt som jag kom. Det var jätte fina böcker, leksaker och gulliga målningar av den brittiska konstnären. Verkligen bra present om man har små kusiner eller syskonbarn eller i mitt fall - två gudbarn.
Dags för plugg innan jag tar tunnelbanan till zouk-workshopen på söder ikväll..
Was on a brief visit to "Beatrix Potter" art opening, it turned out to be families and children-event - but with some bubble in the glass :-) had a look over the gallery and disappeared as quickly as I arrived. It was really nice books, toys and cute paintings by the british artist. Really good things to give if you have young cousins or nieces or in my case - two godchildren.
Time for the studies before I take the subway to the zouk-workshop on "Söder" tonight..
Nu har jag varit 1 vecka i stockholm och INGEN kan nog anklaga mig för att vara lat. Har jobbat hårt med att få nya kontakter, vara kulturell och gå på föreläsningar. Puh, är riktigt trött idag. Träffade en super trevlig tjej idag på SH(södertörn), konstnär med spännande drömmar och ambitioner. Vi gick till Grand där hon skall ställa ut sin konst(!) wow imponerande. Sedan gick jag hem, bytte om och vi tog oss en sväng salsa, alldeles gratis(I love stockholm) och utan en droppe alkohol. Yes-så skall en fredag vara!! Med tanke på hur jag kände igår så måste jag bara säga att klychan: "Efter regn kommer solsken" verkligen stämmer..
Now I've been 1 week in Stockholm, and no one could probably accuse me of being lazy. Has worked hard to make new contacts, be cultural and attending lectures. Puuh, am really tired today.
Met a super nice girl today at SH (Södertörn), an artist with wonderful art-dreams and ambitions. We went to Grand(nice,chic cinema), where she will do an exhibiting with her art (!) wow impressive. Then I went home, switched on and we took a turn salsa, absolutely for free(no spend cash) (I love Stockholm) and without a drop of alcohol. Yes, it couldnt be a better friday!! After how I felt yesterday I must admit that the old one: "after rain comes sunshine" is really true.
Jan 28, 2011
De senaste dagarna har jag pendlat mellan euroforisk lycka och frihets-känslor till lamslagen ensamhet - det har pendlat hela tiden. Rotlösheten, rastlösheten och ensamheten grabbar tag i mig som en sjukdom ibland, speciellt på mornarna. Men jag vet att det är så här det är att bygga nytt, att skjuta skott och att växa sig större.
Det är långt ifrån första gången jag är i en ny stad. Tålamod, det är vad jag behöver.
Allt kommer bli bra..allting är bra - är bara lite dramatisk av och till..
Translation: In recent days I have oscillated between euroforisk happiness and freedom to crippled emotions and loneliness - it has fluctuated all the time. Rootlessness, restlessness and loneliness grabs me like a disease sometimes, especially in the mornings. But I know that this is how it is to build a new ground and foundation, to sprout and grow bigger. Patience, that's what I need. Everything will be fine .. everything is fine - I`m just a bit dramatic sometimes..
Jan 27, 2011
Fullkomligt älskar Jensen`s - en fantastisk biff för 49 spänn, verkligen studenthäng. Nu är det 2 dagar i rad, servitrisen känner igen mig och jag kan nog så kalla mig stammis på det första stället i Stockholm - dag 4.
Absolutely love Jensen `s - a great steak for 49 SEK, really a student hangout. Now it's two days in a row, the waitress recognizes me and I can call myself a regular at the first place in
Stockholm - Day 4.
Jan 26, 2011
Now is the time. I will start writing both in my mother tounge and in English. Thought about it for some weeks now.
"Att vägra låsa sig på ett eller annat sätt. Att inte bli bunden till en plats. Att inte viga sitt liv till ett enda kall."
- Zygmunt Bauman
"To refuse to lock yourself in one way or another. To not be tied to one place. Not devote your life to a single journey."
- Zygmunt Bauman
Jan 25, 2011
This is the schedule for the week - 2 days in stockholm and I have one week packed - that is good because I get really bad feelings if I sit and starring at the wall in my apartment. That is the best recipes for low energy and bad thoughts. My way is to activate myself as much as possibile.
I also bought "feel good"-things like gojaberries and sunflower seeds, inspired of the rawfood lecture off course;-)important with good food now when the sun is away. But the best of all is the "Victoria Secret"-mist with black cherry, crème anglaise and sandalwood mmmm..its incredibile good, always make my day and is every minute standing on my nighttable. MeLuv..http://www.victoriassecret.com
Today: Lecture, arents, a lots of mail to answer and recieved a lot of phonecalls.
Tuesday: Study in the library, dining with Ingrid Broome.
Wednesday: Lecture, study with Louisa at the Stockholm University Library.
Thursday: Go and see some apartments.
Friday: Study and go and see more apartments.
Saturday: Vernissage of "Beatrix Potter"-art at Millesgården and after that workshop with zouk, lambada and samba dance.
Sunday: Study and then lessons in zouk in the afternoon.
Jan 24, 2011
The more I study and discover animals, the more fascinated I become. Have never had time for animals, my own inner has been so full of complex thoughts and my interest in psychology has always overshadowed the wildlife. but look at this: The killer whale and man side by side. It is hypnotic and the time at the Miami Aquarium was unforgetable.


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